Tuesday, January 06, 2004

"Jesus Mary and Joseph!"

We got to talking at work yesterday about swearing. I was surprised to learn that several of the women mentioned that they use the f-bomb on a fairly regular basis. Hmmm...

It got me to thinking of the go-to cuss word that we all have at the ready when an unfortunate incident befalls us. For example, you wake up Monday morning and are shuffling yourself to the bathroom when your second toe violently catches a cast iron shoe iron your Mom brought over a few weeks back. What word springs forth? I am sad to say that for me, it is a GD. Why? I've no idea. Was that the one the old man went to when he was putting chains on the car? Perhaps.

The gals at work said they went with the frankenheimer first, but many of their husbands were GD men themselves.

Now if I'm mad enough, I'll surely get around to an effer or two, but I think I use it more in the Gilbert Godfriedian mode of WHAT THE F? Keep in mind, I'm not proud of this folks, it's just the way it is.

Then I got to thinking of some of the hilarious forms of swearing my Ma had when the Elder and I were growing up. She would say (and still does come to think of it) "God Bless America!" as a cuss. And "Jesus Mary and Joseph!". One of my personal faves was "Lord love a duck". Please don't ask me to explain any of that because...I have no idea.

So what is your at-the-ready?

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