Friday, November 05, 2004

Hallelujah Chorus

Apparently I am not alone in feeling the need for a bit of "post-victory venting".

Laura from Edina, Minnesota starts off with:

Add me to the amen chorus regarding your one finger salute to the Bush haters. Over the last year I have had many an obscene earful from friends and strangers alike about my volunteer effort on behalf of the President. Peggy Noonan summed it up best for me today:

George Soros cannot buy a presidential election. Savor. "Volunteers" who are bought and paid for cannot beat volunteers who come from the neighborhood, church, workplace and reading group. Savor.

The leaders of the Bush effort see it this way: A ragtag band of more than a million Republican volunteers who fought like Washington's troops at Valley Forge beat the paid Hessians of King George III's army. Savor.

After the battle I am literally nauseas from exhaustion but elated at the outcome. I am proud to have been a part of it.

Jeff from Milford, Delaware keeps it simple:

And may I add: "Yup."

I read you guys every day, and consider myself much the better for it. Our four years at Grand Forks AFB, ND, has something to do with it, but that's left for another time.

Doug sees merchandising potential from the post:

I loved it.

'Go Fuk Yourselves'

Gave me a woody.

CAUTION: That post was at 5:08 PM. You are obviously hitting the gin bottle early and hard.

But HEY. We won. We won big. This was the BIG FISH that didn't get away.

Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the gin. Let that middle finger rise high and hard.

ps - I'm seeing the possibility of a

Hey Liberals
Go FUK Yourself
It's Over

T-shirt... die-hard rednecks would love it.

Of course, it would be a white T-Shirt with RED lettering.

But of course. Anything else would be uncivilized. For another post-election gift idea from deep in the heart of Kerry Country, check out the Wickid Pissah Stickah at mASS BACKWARDS.

Robert adds his two cents:

Enjoyed your one fingered shout out.

To prove how totally unhinged they're becoming, please see this gem in the City Pages. It's Bush's obituary. They can't beat him so now they wish he were dead.

Every individual and organization you mentioned should receive a hand held mirror with the inscription "This is why you lost" on top and "objects in mirror are stupider than they appear" on the bottom.

I would like to thank your blog for the great work this election season.

God, I love you drunk bastards.

And we love our readers.


Re: "my one fingered victory salute", hallelujah! Will Generalissimo Duane be instituting a 5-second delay tomorrow? I look forward to finding out.

You mean I won't be able to read the post in its entirety on Hugh's show tonight as planned? Where's the "can you say that?" guy when you really need him?

Scott from Pinkmonkeybird appreciates the gesture:

Ahhhhhhh! Thank you for that post. It felt good. One big FU goes a long way toward soothing the ruptured sensibilities of we on this side of the battle.

Tom checks in from the Golden State:

Well put. I'm afraid you speak for a lot of us who languish in the land of the politically correct (California), with this post. It has been a long time coming however after four years of being bashed at every turn for supporting the President and his administration it feels good to let it all fly. You will be forgiven for your lack of sensitivity. Your list seems pretty complete, however out of consideration for those of us stuck on the left coast I would add the LA Times and Bill Maher. Keep up the good work.

Tom is the third person who has suggested adding Maher to the list. Consider him flipped off.

Meanwhile, the woman formerly known as The Golden Girl, now going by Barbara at Girl in Right, offers her take from Colorado:

Great post. Fabulous. Could never have said it as well myself. But of course, being a subservient bubble-headed traditional wife and mother, I would be struck dead by the good lord himself if I told the libs to GFY. I'm glad you did. Gol dern that took some gumption.

Your bigoted, racist, lying, beer-swillin', gun-totin', bible-thumpin', red-necked friend.

Y'all know that us Dubyah supporters are simple God fearin' folk and we don't cotton to all that fancy analyzin' that them big city media types like Chris Matthews likes to.

Barbara's e-mail does bring to mind a new motto:

"Fraters Libertas: Profaning the left so you don't have to."

Tim, who also hails from the Rocky Mountain State, finds my message a bit subtle:

Regarding your post about the one-fingered victory salute, I think you?re holding back a little bit; how do you really feel?

As for the liberals out there predicting doom and gloom, I find my comfort in Johnny Cash's song "Sam Hall" from his American IV album. To those liberals I say "Damn your eyes!" And a nice tall rum and Coke helps too.

Mitch berg, a man who is a tall drink of rum and Coke himself, seconds my emotion at Shot In The Dark:

Elder's post-election word to the disloyal opposition - you know who they are - is not safe for work.

But in nearly every particular, I second him.

Finally, the last word goes to Derek from Freedom Dogs:

Of all the high minded editorials I posted yesterday, this one is just as good.

You should know that the editorials that Derek mentioned were penned by Laura Ingraham, Peggy Noonan, and Hugh Hewitt.

Not bad company to keep. Although they do need to work on their use of profanity...

UPDATE: Larry has some parting shots:

One more AMEN from me. Great post. What I have difficulty understanding is this:

The 'intellectual left' expends a great deal of brainpower (well, I use that term loosely) and time trying to 'understand' Al-Qaeda, trying to 'feel the emotions' and 'understand the hatred' of the world community toward the US, and fretting over how the oppression of middle eastern people by Halliburton causes them to strap bombs to their kids and send them over the fence to blow up Israelis. Yet, those same people that profess to have such open minds have absolutely no interest in trying to understand the Red-Staters (and we Red-Stater-wannabes stuck in barely blue states). Their fellow countrymen are deemed idiots, religious zealots, bigots, racists, nazis, thugs and brownshirts simply because they cast a vote for a good man, a man of faith and principle, one who doesn't try to 'understand' why people want to kill us - he's more concerned with ensuring that they don't succeed in their mission. According to them, we're so blinded by our religious fervor that we are unable to become enlightened and see the truth.

I've said a number of times in this campaign that hate is not a long-term sustainable emotion, and certainly not one upon which a winning campaign can be built. Based on what I'm reading from some of the lefties (and I submit Jane Smiley's Slate article as exhibit #1), it appears that we'll be able to test the first part of my hypothesis. I think the 2nd part has already been proven.

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