Thursday, November 04, 2004

Time To Call It Quits?

Dave ain't buying what Scott Johnson is selling:

Regarding Scott Johnson's callous disregard for voting proprieties vis-à-vis his write-in campaign to assume the Minnesota bench:

Please tell him that his exit polling (of the so-called "three students" at his law school class) is a ridiculously small sample size and not to pin his hopes on this holding up under recount scrutiny. Everyone knows that students who A) Show up for class; B) Show up ON TIME for class; and C) kiss up to their professor, are NOT indicative of the Fraters Libertas-reading electorate as a whole (no offense - I mean it as a compliment). I asked Dick Morris about this, and he thinks a congressional investigation is in order.

Is it possible the Mr. Johnson is trying to do some quick post-election spin in an effort to influence the recount process? For the good of the country, I think you should ask Mr. Johnson to step down gracefully and end this anguishing indecision. It's time to come together.

Dave is right. Scott Johnson's intransigence is tearing the country apart. Unfortunately, the man's egomaniacal quest for power appears to know no bounds. Let it go Scott. It's time to move on.

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