Meet the New Trope, Same As the Old Trope
The New Patriots (who write a lot like the Old Socialist Revolutionaries) are regurgitating a report about the US military using Napalm against anti-Coalition forces in the Battle of Fallujah. In the comments, one of them also wearily recycles the old trope:
We had to destroy the village in order to save it.
Although a presumed trump card for the Left for decades, those boys should be aware that no American military or civilian official ever uttered the words "destroy a village in order to save it" during the Vietnam war - or at any other time. It's a myth, an urban legend, a useful tool for those with goals beyond mere criticism of tactical military decisions.
I suspect that fact won't cloud the New Patriots' false moral clarity though. They'll continue being as self-righteous and cynical as ever over "reports" on the methods in which our military chooses to eliminate those who would be happy to cut their heads off, if given the chance. (And no, I'm not talking about Powerline).
But I do caution the New Patriots to watch their facts closely. The real source on those Napalm reports may be as reliable as whoever started the lie about destroying villages to save them. Though that does create a nice symmetry to their credibility.
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