Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Still Waiting For A Concession

Dave e-mails with a critical election question:

I have been poring over exit poll data trying to find a winner in the Scott Johnson judgeship races. Try as I might I can't make the math work for a Johnson "win". When can we expect to hear his concession speech? Or will he attempt to drag the country through 6 weeks of legal wrangling with spurious claims of winning the popular vote?

Please give us, your loyal readership, an update on this critical decision, as the so-called "main stream media" refuses to give it the attention it deserves.

Although no official announcement has been made by the Johnson campaign, word has leaked from the bunker that they're holed up in that they will not concede until every vote is counted. There's also a disturbing rumor that Al Gore was seen entering the bunker earlier this morning. Brace yourselves folks. We could be in for a long wait.

UPDATE: Scott Johnson refuses to accept the reality of his loss and appears to be in denial that his dreams of public office have been crushed (for the time being at least). Here's his latest e-mail:

Chad, did I lose?

I felt like a winner when I walked in to my law school class last night at five and three students volunteered that they had written me in per your directions.

As John Kerry said yesterday Scott, "In an American election, there are no losers." You're all winners.

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