Saturday, November 06, 2004

MN House Republicans Get Smoked

Fraters Libertas is pleased to announce that a mole inside Minnesota House Republican Caucus has approached us to offer periodic updates from inside the halls of power. In the interests of security, our contributor wishes to be referred to as the SmokingSOB (not to be confused with Atomizer):

I'm a regular visitor at the Northern Alliance, and although I have no desire to
blog, I just thought you might appreciate a periodic "voice" from inside the
Minnesota House Republican Caucus.

I'm also a member of the unofficial "smoking sub caucus" -- a bipartisan band of
cigarette and cigar devotees who regularly congregate outside the doors of the
State Office Building (SOB) across the street from the Capitol building.

There is somberness in the caucus - and not because beer was banned (Damn You
Channel 9!) from the election night party. Few anticipated losing so many
members (we now hold a slim 68-66 majority) Lot's of navel gazing going on --
candidates didn't work hard enough, grumbling about new same-day voter
registrants, DFL flooded districts with glossy flyers, etc. Had the election
ended in a tie, up to half of the staff (especially committee staff) would have
been out of a job. Thanks to an earlier hiring freeze and staff departures, few
if any staff will be canned.

Credit the DFL for effective and costly campaigns. My take is, how can anyone be
surprised that some Republican members would bow out after a year and a half of
relentless media attacks (Republicans cut K-12, LGA, HHS programs, not getting
work done) and campaign mudslinging? One can be expected to pay for sticking
with principle. In addition, in many of the DFL wins, the margin of victory was
slim thus these seats are a fat target for the GOP in 2006.

I remain upbeat. We survived the Kerry backwash -- and survived everything the
DFL threw at us -- and still remain in the majority. House Speaker Steve Sviggum
told staff the other day that our core message -- no tax increases -- remains
steadfast. But it will be tough slogging in the session ahead.

On a more serious note, many smokers are speculating that administration will
enact a ban on smoking near SOB entrances. I fully expect to erect
tables near the SOB doors to monitor compliance.

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