[Editor's note: for the most part we refrain from the use of expletives on this blog. In general, using profanity does not reflect well on the writer. It is often nothing more than a juvenile attempt to garner attention and is used as a substitute for meaningful thought (see the vast majority of local lefty blogs). However, on occasion circumstances dictate that its use is appropriate. And this is one of those occasions. If you are sensitive about such matters, I urge you to skip this post and come back tomorrow when the normal family-friendly atmosphere of Fraters Libertas will once again be evidenced. Unless Atomizer gets cut off at another wine tour that is.]
The election is over. The President has been re-elected. The GOP has picked up seats in both the Senate and the House. For those of us on the right side of the aisle, it's a time to celebrate.
We're being told that we should be magnanimous in victory. That we should not gloat or mock those on the other side. And to a certain extent, I agree with that notion. I respect the stalwart Democrats who fought the good fight for their party. Guys like Flash from Centrisity. They are decent, honorable people who just happen to be wrong about most of the issues of the day. While I am glad that their candidate was not successful, I have no desire to rub their faces in their defeat. And anyone who has been at trivia night at Keegan's knows that I am nothing if not a gracious winner.
My magnanimity only goes so far. And when it comes to those on the left who were fueled by irrational hatred and engaged in the most despicable, egregious, slanderous, defamatory, and disgusting attacks on a sitting U.S. president in memory, I have nothing but disdain. This may seem a bit extreme, but I find myself agreeing with sentiments like this:
Let's face a hard truth: this was the bitterest Presidential campaign in living memory. The Democrats and their allies staked everything on the defeat of this President. All of the resources they had accumulated over a generation of struggle were thrown into this battle: and they have failed. Despite all of their tricks, despite all of their lies, the people have rejected them. They mean nothing. They are worth nothing. There's no point in trying to reach out to them because they won't be reached out to. We've got their teeth clutching the sidewalk and out boot above their head. Now's the time to curb-stomp the bastards.
Metaphorically speaking of course. The truth is that ever since the 2002 election (and earlier in some cases) we've had to put with a non-stop barrage of invective directed against President Bush. And now it's time for a response.
To the sneering punks who called Bush a smirking chimp, the conspiracy nutjobs who couldn't say four words without Halliburton dribbling out of their mouth, the goons who tried to shut down GOP campaign offices, the morons who think Bush is an idiot, the defeatists who encourage our enemies while demanding that we don't dare question their patriotism, the thugs who painted swastikas on Bush campaign signs, the sophists spouting "regime change begins at home", the historically challenged fools who compare Bush to Hitler, the "It's all about oil" idiots, the Fahrenheit 911 watching simpletons, the delusional paranoids who claim that fascism is now upon us, the self-important nobodies who fancy that their dissent is even worth crushing, and the disaffected expatriates who trash our president and country overseas to curry favor with their Euro buddies, I have a simple message using the straightforward words of Dick Cheney:
Go fuck yourselves.
I also want to extend my one fingered victory salute to some specific individuals and groups. So here's a big Fuck You victory shout out to:
Michael Moore, The City Pages, Al Franken, National Public Radio, Bruce Springsteen, MoveOn.org, Barbara Streisand, the a-holes at The New York Times (big-time!), Dan Rather, Rock The Vote, Garrison Keillor, CBS News, George Soros, The Guardian, Michael Stipe, The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial board, P Diddy , Minnesota Public Radio, Nick Coleman, CNN, Paul Krugman, Kim Ode, the eastern half of Canada, Molly Ivins, Whoopi Goldberg, and France.
And I have a further message to all those (especially relevant for Michael Moore) who claim that they'd rather leave the country than spend another four years in George W. Bush's Amerika:
Don't let the border gate hit your ass on the way out.
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