Monday, November 08, 2004

What They Think of Us: The Italians

Vox Day is from Mounds View, but he lives in Italia. In between all that pasta slurping, soccer playing, and Renaissance art viewing, he had a spare moment to grant us one of our patented one question interviews.

Q: How is the U.S. election result looking to the folks in Italy?

A: The Italians aren't particularly interested. Seriously, they're more concerned about how Juve, Milan, and Inter are doing in the Champions League than whatever those crazy Americans are up to. I mean, what can you expect of a people who don't even play calcio?

Also, because of the Nasiriyah bombing and their own immigration issues in the south, they aren't very fond of Arabs. Eddie Izzard, the transvestite English comedian, pretty much put it best:

"The Italians don't care about anything. They're just driving around onthose little Vespas, checking out the girls and going 'Ciao!' Mussolini comes in and tells them: 'You are all fascists now.' So, now they ride around on their Vespas, checking out the girls and saying 'We are all fascists now... ciao!'

It's mostly the French, the Germans and, to certain extent, the British media that have their lederhosen in a bunch. None of them really know the first thing about the USA, they just have this permanent fear of American "cowboyism", which means that the President doesn't consult them before he wipes his ass.

Vox Day: blogger, columnist, International Ambassador of Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

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