It's all starting to make sense now. For months we've been trying to find Hugh Hewitt's prom picture from the '70s, in which he is a sporting a canary yellow tuxedo. Obviously said photo is being held by Senator Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania and used against Hugh as blackmail. How else to explain Hugh's defense of Specter?
On reflection, it seems to me a very bad idea to try and topple Senator Specter from what in the ordinary course of events would be his Chairmanship. I hope my colleagues on the center-right that embrace pro-life politics will reconsider.
I understand that Senator Specter voted against Robert Bork, and that Senator Specter is not a friend of the pro-life movement. But genuine progress in the fight to return American public opinion to an affirmation of life before birth cannot be made through strong-armed tactics and almost certainly will not be lasting if it is accomplished through a putsch. Institutions that are destabilized for expediency's sake do not regain stability after a convenient alteration.
Yeah, that's what we need in the Senate. More "stability." Remember during the excruciatingly drawn out run-up to the war in Iraq (labeled by leftists as a "rush to war"), when we were told that invading Iraq would "destabilize" the Middle East? The response to that objection was that years of "stability" in the Middle East had produced nothing but dictators, Islamic fundamentalism, and terrorism, and that it was high time to shake things up.
I for one have had enough of the "stability" in the Senate offered by the likes of Specter, Chafee, and Snowe. When Specter was challenged in the Republican primary by conservative Pat Toomey, many commentators on the right (including yours truly) backed Toomey. Unfortunately, President Bush, Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania's other senator), and Hugh supported Specter and helped him fend off Toomey.
Hugh Hewitt is an intelligent, generous man of unquestionable integrity who has done much to help the conservative cause (to say nothing of the blogosphere) through his talk radio show, his blog, and his books. But he was wrong about Specter in the Pennsylvania primary and he's wrong about him now.
C'mon Hugh, is the picture really that bad?
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