Quite A Connoisseur of Soap
My obscenity of choice? In the truly spontaneous, no time to think, spur of the moment, pain to the brain example cited by JB I'm partial to "fudge". Except I wouldn't say "fudge". I would say THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word. As JB said, it's nothing I'm proud of, it's just the way it is.
Sometimes I also insert an addition that I picked up as a teenager even though I'm not quite sure why or what it means. "Fuggin' A." The "A" likely stands for icehole or ice itself but I don't direct it against particular individuals. I use it as a general expression of displeasure at such times as when your PC locks up right in the middle of a a bunch of work that you didn't have the foresight to save. "Fuggin' A!"
Of course it can also be used in the affirmative as in "Fuggin' A right". The mystery of the "A" continues for me.
I also have to confess to, on occasion, going with a GD as well. I know it's blasphemous and all, but there's some part of my subconscious that's hard wired with it and all attempts to suppress it from my operational vocabulary have failed. Probably a genetic thing.
Another salty expression with a religious flavor that I still employ on very rare occasions is JC. It's lower on the blasphemy scale than a GD, and could almost be interpreted as prayerful call for assistance if you're really trying hard to justify your use of it. This one I definitely picked up from family, in this case my grandfather (my Ma's Pa). He tried his darndest to sanitize it by modifying it to "Geezus Cripes!", sometimes just "Cripes!", and even "Cripes Almighty!". But when the chips were down, like the time me and JB had just finished terrorizing his hens so thoroughly that they wouldn't likely lay eggs for several weeks, he'd fall back on good ol' JC.
Actually a history of our family's flirtation with obscenity could probably make up a collection of on-going posts since we've barely scratched the surface. Don't even get me started on my Dad's brothers and their "colorful" language. Let's just say that a tapestry of obscenity is still hanging in space over Northern Wisconsin to this day.
Lord love a duck.
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