Anyone Who Isn't A Socialist At Twenty Doesn't Have A Heart, Anyone Who Is Still A Socialist At Thirty Doesn't Have A Brain, Anyone Who Needs To Tell The World At Forty That They Met Both The Prior Descriptions Doesn't Have The Ability To Shutup!
The Elder and I have been emailing a bit back and forth about all the usual suspects who have chimed in on Reagan's death and how so many of our (now) fellow-travelers think it cool to add that they used to hate Reagan when they were young, but at some point began to realize that they were wrong about him.
What is interesting is not only is it not considered shameful to admit you were an idiot, it is considered to be the mark of a political sophisticate: "You see my dear fellow, I USED to be on the other side, which shows you all how broad-minded I am. I'm not one of those people who has been a conservative all their life. Am I more acceptable to you now liberal friend? (please say yes please say yes)."
Why don't we hear these people telling us what maroons they were on other serious matters? About how their judgement was (is?) suspect:
"Yeah, I married her, but she turned out to be a man--isn't that funny? So I really understand BOTH sides of that issue."
"Yup, I had a chance to buy Microsoft stock in '81, but I decided the whole Personal Computer thing would never really take off--hilarious, no? I would be retired by now, but I would have missed the deeper understanding of having been in the position of not buying--so I'm glad it happened."
As the Elder has written, he has an immaculate record as a life-long conservative, going back to the Fourth Grade. I am the same way, undoubtedly influenced by him. Saint Paul the same and even our Atomizer--they've been on the team as long as they can remember.
Does that mean we are cooler or better than those who embraced (or at least didn't denounce) leftist ideology in their youth? I would say yes, as a matter of fact I think it does! It is like those who were raised with religion their entire lives (the members of FL) as opposed to those who come to it later via a conversion or born-again experience: the recent converts won't shut the hell up about how Jesus Christ is their personal savior and flit around asking people if they "know" Jesus. Those who have always had religion know what they know and don't feel a need to convert anyone or let others know how they feel--Be Still And Know is a book my Ma used to read.
So, to all my conservative brethren who can't seem to pass an opportunity to tell us how poor their judgement used to be, I have one request: CRAM IT WITH WALNUTS YA KNUCKLEHEADS!
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