Compassion Equals Compensation
John Kerry is in town today, calling together his band of brothers in an attempt to convince the American populace that veterans and members of the military just love a guy who calls them war criminals, throws his service decorations to the ground, and leads the movement to undermine the will of the American people to support a foreign war. According to his press release:
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry Friday rallied fellow veterans in Minneapolis to kick off a nationwide effort to organize 1 million veterans behind his campaign for the White House. With state Veterans for Kerry coordinators now in place in all 50 states, todayĆ¢??s rally marked the beginning of a grassroots push by veterans across the country to elect John Kerry President.
One million veterans organized for Kerry? Seems implausible. I've not talked to a single veteran yet that has anything but disdain for John Kerry and his record toward the military. But I'm sure he's able to draw some support from your yellow dog Democrat types among the veteran ranks. And I'm sure Kerry's rhetoric today won't address his anti-war activities which account for most of his political prominence and stature in the Democrat party (face it, without these radical bona fides, he never would have been nominated in the first place).
Instead, we'll get lots of general rhetoric about keeping America strong and allied with the rest of the world (no matter what stance they take). And we'll also get to Kerry's real strong point, doling out money in exchange for political power. Because when it comes to veteran's issues, the only strength of the Democrats is promising to pay more in benefits than Republicans. No matter how much they're promised, there's always room for more - that's the Democratic way, when votes are at stake. This from the Kerry's press release:
As President, Kerry will keep America's promise to our veterans. His plan includes mandatory funding for VA healthcare to properly care for over 500,000 veterans who are currently excluded from the system and revoking the Disabled Veterans Tax, which deducts disability pay from military retirement pay.
"The first definition of patriotism is to keep faith with those who have worn the uniform of the United States" Kerry said. "And the first duty of a commander in chief is to make America strong and keep Americans safe. It's time do what it takes to build an America that is respected in the world once more."
Because no self-respecting 3rd World tyrant respects a country that deducts disability pay from military retirement pay. Hopefully once the radical Islamists around the world hear of Kerry's tax plan, they'll fold like a tent.
Far be it for me to begrudge anyone a tax cut. And when it comes to veterans, I support it even more. Cut, cut, cut. But the blurb about "mandatory funding" for "proper medical care" makes my wallet start to twitch and I suspect that's where Kerry's real priorities are. Spending increases in any programs possible, above and beyond any already scheduled spending increases.
Basing one's pro-military, strong defense platform on increased social spending seems a little disingenuous, yet entirely consistent with Kerry's character and political pedigree. For proof, look no further than today's Pioneer Press, which included the tale of another ardent Kerry supporter, and how she got that way:
Thousands are expected in for his rally. Among them was Linda Wilkinson of Inver Grove Heights, who feels a very personal connection to Kerry. Last year she was on a conference call with Kerry and told him her story: Her husband, a Vietnam veteran, died of cancer in 1998. She believes it was connected to his exposure to Agent Orange during the war.
While she and her four children received some money to help with expenses, she didn't have the funds to continue her quest for a college degree. Kerry told her he would help her find the money to pay for her education, even if he had to pay for it himself.
"That day changed my life," she said. After that conversation, she said, all her tuition has been paid. She also became a political activist and will be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention and is an ardent Kerry supporter.
"I saw the compassionate side of John Kerry that a lot of people don't see," Wilkinson said.
That's Democratic party compassion defined: ostentatiously giving away thousands of dollars of someone else's money (in this case, Kerry's 2nd wife's dead husband) for political gain.
Ms. Wilkinson is correct on one account, I haven't personally seen that compassionate side of Kerry. Truth be told, he lays 20 grand on me, he's got my vote too. Let the bidding war begin.
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