Monday, June 28, 2004

More On Moore

I join Saint Paul and Atomizer in their stance on Fahrenheit 911. I will not see the movie under any circumstances. For those who say that you cannot judge the movie unless you view it, I say that if a dog craps in my yard I don't need to smell the pile of feces to know it reeks. And Fahrenheit 911 is really nothing more than Michael Moore squatting down and crapping all over the movie screen. Take a good look at the man and tell me that you don't think his shit stinks.

Jamie e-mails to question the attendance figures from the opening weekend:

Given the new trend of marketing tickets to groups and the attendant publicity for "sold out" shows and ticket sales,

"When will the media get savvy about the actual ATTENDANCE at some of these "sold out" venues?"

Last night at the most popular theatre in Minneapolis' trendy nighttime entertainment area, Uptown, the Lagoon Theater had three screens of five screens devoted to Fareinheit 911. All three screens were "sold out", but 2/3 of the seats were empty. has caught on to authors pumping up their sales numbers with similar tricks, when will the Movie entertainment industry catch on and stop being used for publicity?

Don't hold you breathe on that one Jamie.

Tim seeks to distance himself from the flatulent film maker:

I know that theaters rent the movie, and therefore, have already paid Mr. Moore most of his take, but I would also bet that Mr. Moore would also get a percentage of the total receipts, so I refuse to go see the movie because giving Mr. Moore one penny of my hard-earned money only encourages him to produce more senseless drivel. Plus, I wouldn't want anyone to see me walk into the theater to see it, either.

But I have a little history with Mr. Moore, albeit pretty removed. Like Mr. Moore, I too, am from Flint, Michigan. When Roger and Me came out, I was living in Colorado, and I wasn't much into documentary films or TV programs, so I didn't bother to see it at the theater. I caught it later on cable or someone rented it and left it for me to watch. I doubted anyone would take it seriously. But whenever I would meet someone new and the conversation turned to hometowns, and they would learn I'm from Flint, they would ask if I'd seen Roger and Me, and say wasn't that a great film. I would respond that no, it wasn't a great film, or even documentary, and I would explain that Mr. Moore didn't show Flint or its residents in an honest setting, that the film and the people in it were distorted from the truth.

Now when I go home to visit, and the conversation turns to where do I currently live, I reply Parker, which is a little south of Denver. Often, the next question is, "Is Parker near Littleton, where that Michael Moore documentary "Bowling For Columbine" was filmed? Did you see that film? Wasn't it great?"

Geez, I can't get away from the guy. I'm glad he's moved onto a more national scene. Hopefully, the brighter lights will show him for the crackpot and purveyor of lies that he is and his fifteen minutes of fame will quickly expire.

His fifteen minutes was up years ago. Unfortunately, I think we'll be subject to his silliness for years to come.

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