I don't think I'm going to see Fahrenheit 911. Sure, I'm an advocate of witnessing cultural phenomenon, especially those I'm bothering to criticize. But from the numerous reviews I've read, I'm not sure my mental health and my felony free criminal record would survive sitting through this thing.
I love documentary film, and the man does violence to the genre with his gimmickry, sleight of hand, and intentional distortions of the truth. I know every documentary has to have a point of view, and I respect that. But in order for a documentary to have any merit, it's got to be as close to the truth as you can possible make it. Otherwise I might as well go see Harry Potter. And his reliance on the ambush interview with selective editing drives me nuts. It's local TV news, Candid Camera level artistry. It's ridiculously easy and lazy, and the guy is hauling down Oscars and Palm d'Ors for it. Just because he hates America as much as the elites doing the voting. It's shameful and I suspect these awards will someday be irrefutable historical evidence of the twisted, corrupt nature of our elites during this strange time.
It's clear to me that this movie has no merit, beyond giving a perverse thrill to those who wish it all to be true. It's like liberal pornography. Obscene fantasy sequences meant to give them prurient pleasure and nothing more. Michael Moore is printing testimonial letters on his Web site and most of them read like a political Penthouse Forum. Excerpts:
... there were hundreds of people lined up, and the announcement was blaring that the next two shows were sold out, and that the only one left available was the 10:30 p.m. Show. A massive GROAN went out.
Just wanted to say that we went to the showing this afternoon at the Grand Lake Theater, and it was sold out. The line stretched for blocks and, thankfully, some of the media were there to see it. It give me shivers, and it gives me hope.
We loved it. You did a great job. The theater applauded at the close of the movie. I wish we still had reporters with enough balls to report the real news instead of the butt kissers we have now.
I personally was overwhelmed with emotions and moved by this
I had goose bumps all over my entire body!!
What really hit home to me, however, was the fact that you touched my friends. They may still be Republican, but they are reconsidering voting for Bush. As I told them, the opinions may be yours, but the facts are irrefutable and hold true. We laughed, cried, and were inspired. Thank you.
We all laughed and cried, applauded and gasped together. ... but the way you put it together, your humor and your humanity, your integrity and dedication to the truth....this has touched us all.
I supported their cause by buying some "Re-defeat Bush" paraphenalia including a "Re-defeat Bush" condom (so we don't get screwed again!).
I absolutely adore this movie. And I say to anyone, you cannot walk away from this movie without being effected. Even if you close your ears to all the facts, the images will live with you forever.
That last line sounds more like a threat than a testimonial. Images from some piece of partisan propaganda living with you for the rest of your life? Leni Riefenstahl should be so lucky. And if I'm going to have pornographic images live in my mind forever, I'd prefer them to include some breasts. (And not those of Michael Moore, triple D's though they may be.)
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