Thursday, June 24, 2004

Who Ever Told You That You Could Work With Men?

There is NOT going to be a draft next year you frickin' idiots. So stop forwarding that ridiculous e-mail you ignorant children.

Don't believe me? Read this at Snopes.

Still not enough for ya? Try this from today's Star Tribune:

The warnings contain questionable assertions. For example, they claim that the Selective Service System received an additional $28 million from Congress in fiscal 2004, when there was no funding increase. They also claim that the White House is pushing to get the bills through, when in fact the administration opposes a draft.

Pretty clear. Pretty straightforward ain't it?

Still, the fact that bills exist in the House and Senate was enough to convince Michael LaBrosse, a 57-year-old leadership consultant from Minneapolis, that a draft is coming. After confirming that the bills were real, he said he forwarded the e-mail to more than 100 friends.

"This is about as real a thing as I ever sent out," said LaBrosse. "It makes sense that if there's a bill like that out there under the radar, that there are other people getting ready for it."

And you want to be my leadership consultant? To borrow a few lines from Glengarry Glen Ross:

"You stupid f**ckin' c**t. You, Labrosse, I'm talkin' to you, sh**head. You're f**ckin' sh**. Where did you learn your trade? You stupid f**ckin' c**t. You idiot. Who ever told you that you could work with men?"

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