Der Kommissar has taken the Rocky Mountain Alliance of blogs to task for their coverage (or lack thereof) of the Colorado Senate race, and throws in a shot at THIS fine website to boot:
When is the Rocky Mountain Alliance going to get in gear with coverage of this race? (And what was MangledCat doing listening to KOA as opposed to KNUS this morning?) Summer comes to the cold lands, and the bloggers slow down to walk-in-the-woods pace. C'mon gents. This race matters, and the Alliance should be keeping us posted on the info, just as the South Dakota Alliance does for Daschle v. Thune. Seems the Fraters effect has taken hold, leaving the blogs lethargic, beery and obsessed with odd bits and exotic travel.
The Fraters Effect? I like that...and, I have to say that I agree with Ralphie on this one, although it's not because I feel that the RMA is a pathetic bunch of slackers. I will not play a pot to anyone's kettle.
No, I find that when winter finally ends here (on or about June 1st) thoughts uncontrollably tend to turn towards things a little less...indoorsy...than sitting in front of a computer and pounding out yet another epic tome detailing one's random thoughts on the most recent news cycle topic...or election.
When you couple an excruciatingly long winter with a spring that brings 23 days of rain in a 30 day stretch, you've got yourself some mighty antsy bloggers. Not to mention the fact that we're undergoing some extensive remodeling here at Fraters Libertas World Headquarters. Due to an excessive amount of hate mail directed toward JB Doubtless in the past year, we've had to add a 5,000 square foot wing on to our existing sprawling suburban complex just to archive it all...and the place is an absolute mess.
When the sun finally does decide to come out here in the just-recently-unfrozen north, most of us like to head outside and enjoy any number of "odd bits" a little yard work or perhaps some bird watching and, in the process, we must leave our computers behind.
So, if you, like Hugh, think that the quality of our little corner of the blogosphere has taken a bit of a dip in the recent past, please take comfort in the fact that winter in Minne-so-cold is less than four short months away. We'll be back to normal in no time.
And, just for the record, Hugh, we haven't been lethargic lately. We've simply been hung over.
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