As I write this, I'm looking into my back alley and I spy a certain blue Subaru pulling out of its garage into the alley. Yes it's that same Subaru I magnanimously pushed out of a snow drift last winter. The one sporting the Wellstone! bumper sticker.
Due to the enduring adoration from people like my dear elderly neighbors, the sobering fact is, in St. Paul, the two term senator who never got a majority of the votes in any election (Wellstone!) will always be with us. Locally, he's a religious, cult-like figure, imbued with all the hopes and dreams of the aging, radical 60's generation and their fellow travelers in the modern era.
His brand of controversial far leftism is so worshiped that the city government of the Saintly City even saw fit to name a public elementary school after him and his wife. Right in downtown St. Paul is the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Elementary School. Yes, Wellstone!, perhaps the most ideological divisive figure in the state's political history, and he's being embraced and idolized by the public education system.
This confluence of extreme ideology and tax funded educational indoctrination is abhorrent to your humble correspondent, as I'm sure it is to any right thinking American, no matter their political orientation. The public school system, funded by all of us, by the dictate of the government, is giving tacit endorsement to the philosophy of a violently partisan politician. For shame, St. Paul, for shame!
But I fear there's nothing I can do about at this point. The school has been up and running and indoctrinating all year long. As I mentioned on the third hour of today's Northern Alliance Radio Broadcast (12 - 3 on 1280 AM, The Patriot), since the deed is done perhaps the only thing we can do is look for a way to bring us all together again. And my suggestion for this is the mass singing of the official song of the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Elementary School.
The Northern Alliance Chorus (Captain Ed, Mitch Berg, the Elder and yours truly from Fraters Libertas) let it fly on NA Radio today, with a poignant, heartfelt rendition of the song. Afterwards, Paul from Plymouth, an astute caller, commented that the lyrics sounded like some Maoist or Stalinist ditty from a gulag reeducation seminar. I'm not sure about that, but due to overwhelming popular demand, below I reprint the lyrics, so you too can raise your voice in song and get your frame of mind in sync with the government education system:
The Wellstone School Song
My school is Wellstone
I go to Wellstone
I learn at Wellstone
I grow at Wellstone
My school is Wellstone
I go to Wellstone
And Wellstone is the school for me.
There's a school called Wellstone
That I'm telling you about
I think that it's terrific
Of that there is no doubt.
You can find it in St. Paul
The nicest city in the land
I'd like to tell, all the world
Wellstone school is grand.
Both the teachers and the students
I think are pretty great
We are working hard to be
The finest school in all the state.
We have vision for the future
You can put us to the test
I think Paul and Sheila would agree
We're going to do our best.
We are confident and caring
We are hard working and true
The principal and all the staff
Will work quite hard for you.
Send your children here to Wellstone
Education they'll receive
We'll do our best to teach them all
In that you can believe.
(Chorus, two times or more)
The cult of St. Paul Wellstone, it's not just for liberals any more.
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