Kennedy Gets Moored
In today's Star Tribune we read that Rep. Kennedy pans Moore film editing:
Rep. Mark Kennedy has unhappy memories of his filmed encounter with leftist moviemaker Michael Moore, an encounter featured Thursday in a trailer for the upcoming U.S. release of the film 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'
'I was walking back to my office after casting a vote, and all of a sudden some oversized guy puts a mike in my face and a camera in my face,' said the Minnesota Republican. 'He starts asking if I can help him recruit more people from families of members of Congress to participate in the war on terror.'
Kennedy said he told Moore that he has two nephews in the military, one who has just been deployed in the Army National Guard.
But to Kennedy's annoyance, his response to Moore was cut from the trailer (and from the film, according to a spokeswoman for the movie).
'The interesting thing is that they used my image, but not my words,' Kennedy said. 'It's representative of the fact that Michael Moore doesn't always give the whole story, and he's a master of the misleading.'"
Two things stand out in this story.
1. Moore is properly identified as a leftist moviemaker. While the Strib is usually quite zealous about applying labels such as "rightwing" or "conservative", they have avoided using the equivalent labels for people on the other side of the political spectrum. Progress?
2. Mark Kennedy's description of Moore as "some oversized guy" has to be the understatement of the year.
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