The Most Interesting Theory That I've Heard So Far...
Tim e-mails to offer an explanation for John Kerry's interview yesterday on a local all sports radio station:
Not that I would ever stoop to name calling, but I wonder if Mr. Kerry's appearance on KFAN was because he is, as I have begun to suspect, a jock-sniffer.
Again, I don't want to resort to name calling; I'm trying to stay above the fray. I am just wondering.
Tim is correct to urge restraint from engaging in idle speculation that John Kerry is a jock-sniffer. While it has been established that he is a jock-buyer, at this point the jury is still out on whether Kerry is also a jock-sniffer, and it would be improper for us to leap to the conclusion that he is a jock-sniffer based on the evidence currently before us. So please, when you hear reports that John Kerry is a jock-sniffer take them with a grain of salt, and don't allow the rumors of Kerry's jock-sniffing to prejudice your views of the man's character. While it certainly is possible that John Kerry is indeed a jock-sniffer, it is also possible that he is not. A jock-sniffer that is.
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